Leach Field Repair F.A.Q.

How Can I Tell If My Leach Field Is Bad?

Generally, if you have a mainline stoppage that requires your septic tank to be pumped, that is your first sign of a failing or already failed leach field. If you have a mainline stoppage in your home that is on septic with a system that is over 20 years old you more than likely will need a leach field replacement. Once sludge makes its way from the tank in to the leach field any repair made that is successful is essentially a band aid that may buy you a year or it may buy you a week.

How Long Does A Leach Field Last?

All leach fields will fail eventually. On average a properly maintained leach field tends to last between 20-30 years. Over usage will substantially decrease that time in addition to a lack of service will contribute to a failed leach field. As time goes on the effluent material that flows from your septic in to the leach field will eventually form a bio mat at the bottom of your drain field. Once this forms a replacement will be absolutely necessary.

“A properly maintained leach field can last up to 30 years”

How To Maintain A leach Field?

The first step in maintaining a leach field starts with properly monitoring what goes down your drain and in to your septic system. Garbage disposals that push organic material from your kitchen in to your septic system are one of the leading causes of leach field failure. Monitoring the flow of water in to your septic system is also vital. Rain gutters and other unnecessary draining features should not be emptied in to your septic system. Water softeners should also not regenerate and drain in to your septic system. The salt water brine is bad for your leach field but can also cause concrete tanks to deteriorate. Adding enzymes to your septic system once a month is also necessary though most people skip this step. Purchasing enzymes can be easily done on Amazon. CLICK HERE for a product we use on our own home.

What Should I Do If I Have A Failed Leach Field?

Call our office today and receive an instant quote over the phone and sent to your email. We have an excellent relationship with the health department from Lee County to Charlotte County and all the way up to Sarasota County.

Call Today 941-867-0021

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